Sunday, February 20, 2011

Gettin' started...

So I've got some pictures of a few projects I'll be getting started on this week. First, is Liam's birthday invitations for his party coming up on March 12th...I finished them today and will be sending them out tomorrow. Yay!

Next is a small planter that I should be able to do tomorrow, I bought this for $.50 at Goodwill. Woohoo!

Here is an angel sconce that I got for free from Express. It was an old prop the Manager gave to me. I've had it for probably 12 years and it has hung over the cribs of my two oldest boys. Now I want to change it up a little bit and hang it in my baby's nursery. It desperately needs a paint job, then I'll have to decide where to hang it in the room.

And my favorite recent find, another score at Goodwill
.........drumroll please...........
a king size headboard for $10!!! 
I spotted it from across the room as soon as I walked through the door. It was buried behind some other hideous headboards. She was calling my name and I had to take her home. She may not look like much now but after a fresh coat of paint, 
this baby is going to be a BEAUT!

There are a few more projects that I'll post tomorrow. Then I'll have to decide what to start on first. Hmmmm, decisions, decisions.
By the way, I was just told by my ball and chain that I have to stop bringing stuff home. (rats! he spotted the old window I picked up from a neighbor tonight! I thought I hid it well on the side of the house. Doh, spoiled again!)

Before I start on anything else, I should share my 
3 most important "projects"  first.

                      my three little birds,
                                           Liam, Grayden & Gavin

They are my reason for living and breathing. They are my sweet little guys and they ROCK!

Oh and that's Dellbert too, our other kid. He's an old man now.

I'm signing off folks! Until next well and prosper =) 
(Is that how it goes?)

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for taking so long to "catch on" to the blog! I don't know when you find the time or energy to do this but you go girl! I am sure it is therapeutic. ;-)

    We got the invite for Liam's bday. It is so cute and creative. The boys and I just laughed and laughed at that picture of Liam, then they said, "Can we go to the party?". :-(
    One more reason I am so glad we are moving back East! BTW, what does Liam want for his bday? After a sick kid home all week, I think I finally will get out of here and "down the hill" for some shopping and civilization. So let me know what uber perfect gift Liam's cousin's can get him!

    Ok, signing off for is late here in CA after all.
