Sunday, January 15, 2012

Long time, no Blog!

Wow, has it really been since last September since I've posted anything? Woops. Well, after surviving Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years, two pets passing away, two computer crashes... oh, I could go on and on...I am ready to get back on the ball with this. I have TONS of pictures that I need to upload. From Halloween treats to handmade Christmas gifts to make-ahead meals, 1st birthday parties and organization projects, I've got a lot to talk about =) ssssssssssomebody ssssssstop me!

My new years resolution this year is to get more organized and to finish projects that I start. I am desperately working hard at this. So far, I've cleaned out my kitchen drawers and cabinets, went through toys with our kids and picked out what they want to donate (so proud of them, they got rid of TONS of toys!). Right now I'm making meals to freeze so they'll be ready when I need them. Hopefully I'll get at least 30 to 40 meals out of what I'm doing. It's a two day process that I'll post about later.  Unfortunately, I haven't gotten very far on my bedroom but now that the holidays are over, I'm putting it back on my top priority.

The boys are getting so big! Gavin is still is not walking but he stands up on his own all the time. He's so proud of himself. Once he hopped when he was dancing...I guess that's considered his first step, er, dance. He has all of his teeth. The top molars are still making their way in but thankfully we're almost done with the teething process. No fun, I swear he ended up in our bed at some point every single night. Grayden and Liam are playing flag football now, they love it!  We just lost our poor Dellbert a few days ago. The boys took it very hard, it was excruciating to watch them go through that. Dell was almost 15 years old, the best bulldog that ever lived. We miss him so much!

Ok, so I'll be back with more pictures and goodies to share soon!