Sunday, August 21, 2011

Our Sweet Life

This is an old entry that I'm just now getting around to posting so excuse the outdated info...

My boys are the light in my life. Liam is turning out to be such a great kid. So thoughtful and funny. He amazes me at the things he’s able to figure out and put together. Definitely a handy man, a trait he gets from his Dad. I’m trying to understand this new competitive side of him. Everything is a race between he and Grayden! He’s gotta be better, faster, whatever…but man can his little brother hang! Good thing they are best friends through it all. Thank God for that! I don’t really remember being that way with my Sister, not to this extent anyway. Maybe it’s a boy thing. He is so wonderful with Gavin, it warms my heart, and he's such a big help to me. He’s still into Star Wars but the latest craze went from Silly Bandz bracelets to Pokemon to BeyBlade. Legos is a constant in the house, always the “go to” toy. He’s trying to get his hair to “sling” like Justin Bieber, but don’t tell HIM that! He swears he doesn’t like him ;)

Grayden is my emotional one. So sweet, smart and as cute as can be! Oh, that smile =) He has a temper though…when Liam does something Grayden doesn’t think he should do, he will scream at the top of his lungs and let him know, with emphasis on the first syllable of every single word. The pitch in his voice goes up and down. Sometimes we can’t help but laugh before we break it up. The child has no volume control. He is loud and silly and hops, skips, bounces or runs wherever he goes. He’s still a snuggly thing though when he winds down, loves to rub the edge of his woobee (aka “woo woo”) or his shirt, and crawl in the bed with us when he can. I can’t believe he’s going to be 4 years old in just a few weeks. He’s wavering on if he wants to be a big boy, or stay a baby. You never know who you’re going to wake up to. He is adorable and such a little light in our lives.

Gavin is already 6 months old. He’s been sitting up for short periods for a few weeks now. The child does not know how to eat, he is so incredibly messy. So far, he only really likes applesauce or bananas mixed with rice or oatmeal. The rest just ends up everywhere but his mouth. He is happy and funny, just like his brothers. I swear it’s like I’ve had the same baby 3 times, they look so much alike. I didn’t really look a lot like any one particular person growing up and it always bothered me. Now I see it in my kids and I think it’s amazing. Gavin is a very snuggly baby. He will stand on my lap, facing me, and all of a sudden he’ll squint his eyes and his head will dive into my chest. He’ll wallow a bit, then stand up and do it all again. It’s just precious. The weeks are flying by but I try to take mental pictures of certain moments with him, swearing to myself I will not forget them. It hits me occasionally that these are the last days with a baby in the house, to hold and kiss and snuggle. Oh, that really hurts my heart. 

Everyday, I thank God for my life and these healthy, precious boys. I was put on this earth to be their Mother and I will never take that for granted. I feel so lucky and so blessed that I get to watch these beautiful boys grow up and take on the world. I just pray that I can lead them on the right path. I am so thankful for this sweet life I live.

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